Die besten Instagram-würdigen Strände auf den Seychellen

The photos of the world’s most beautiful and picturesque landscapes attract people from over the world; they inspire us to enjoy the pristine nature and to take pictures to remember the romantic moments of one’s life.
According to many tourists and National Geographic, the prettiest places on the Earth are Seychelles beaches. And now we will try to describe its beauty as precisely as possible.
Anse Source d'Argent
This best Seychelles beach is located in the west of La Digue Island.
The beach is covered with snow-white sand, huge granite rocks of unusual forms grow from azure water and sand. When the sun lights them at sunrise, they look like pink giants, and at sunset, they get red as if they were burning. They look like warriors that went out from dark forests.
Rocks divide the shore into many lagoons; each of them is perfect for a romantic photo shooting. That’s why the beach is popular for wedding ceremonies.
Grand Anse
Grand Anse is 3 kilometers long that makes it the longest beach of La Digue and one of the best in the world according to CNN.
One of its main features is high waves. That’s why swimming can be dangerous, people come there to enjoy the breathtaking views. Granite cliffs, vivid exotic plants, snow-white sand, emerald water with soft foam make it a great picture created by the nature.
Anse Lazio
Anse Lazio is a treasure of Praslin Island. The beach and the bay stretch over 500 meters and is surrounded by rock cliffs, green palms and takamaka trees. The strip of snow-white sand and turquoise waves complement the picturesque landscape.
Бухту с пляжем протяженностью чуть более 500 м обрамляют огромные скалистые валуны, пышная зелень пальм и деревьев такамака. Живописную картину органично дополняет полоса ослепительно-белого песка в сочетании с изумрудно-бирюзовыми волнами океана. Здесь хочется фотографироваться на каждом метре!
You are sure to take pictures of every meter of the beach!
The underwater world is also amazing. Those who are mad about photo-hunting will be astonished by the diversity of colors and species of the Indian Ocean inhabitants while diving or snorkeling.
Anse Major
The pristine beach Anse Major is an incredibly beautiful place on the North-West of Mahe coast. It is located in the bay and surrounded by granite rocks and dense tropical forests. Piles of rocks divide the territory in several places.
The beach is narrow and not big, its length is only 200 meters. When the landscape is lit by the sun, it gets more colorful and extraordinary. You can take fantastic photos there any time as there are no tourists that can disturb you.
Petite Anse
Petit Anse is another beach on Mahe island that is definitely worth attention. It is located in the picturesque bay on the Western shore of the island. It is not for swimming like Grand Anse due to high waves but is perfect for diving and surfing.
The beach is quite small; the length is 200 m, the width – 20 m. It is easy to take a panoramic photo from the height of granite rocks that edge the whole bay. You will get a unique image with all the details of the landscape – crystal-clear water with the patterns of the ocean flora, soft and fluffy waves, and a narrow strip of snow-white sand with rocks that look like defenders of the ocean from green tropics.
The best part of Seychelles beaches is a dream of a professional photographer. You may start collecting your masterpieces with the photos of the beaches mentioned above to enjoy the views and landscapes for the whole life.