Seychelles snorkeling

Seychelles islands dazzle a huge number of tourists from all over the world not only with picturesque beaches and hot tropical sun, but also with the unique underwater world of the Indian Ocean, inhabited by rare species of fish, coral and other marine animals.

Seychelles underwater world

Seychelles boasts a massive sandy coastline and calm turquoise waters with a thriving marine world. It's an ideal place for exotic species of flora and fauna thanks to the favorable weather conditions: it’s sunny almost all year round and the average water temperature is 25˚С or higher.

Moreover there is a great variety of beautiful coral reefs, up to 270 species with different and unique forms, colors and sizes that are formed due to the water purity and warm ocean currents.

Seychelles underwater world

Such big diversity of corals is a great home for exotic marine fish and creatures with amazing vivid colours like Bonefish, Milkfish, Parrotfish, lionfish, giant grouper, hawksbill turtles, Manta Rays, and green turtles.

Meeting with a whale shark – the world`s biggest shark – will make the most unforgettable experience ever. Don`t be afraid of it: whale sharks feed on plankton.

The easiest and most accessible way to explore rich and extraordinary Seychelles underwater world is snorkeling.

What is snorkeling and how it differs from diving

Snorkeling is swimming not deeply along the water surface. The main difference with diving is the depth and the equipment. For snorkeling you will need a special mask which will make it possible to breathe without a special oxygen tank.

Seychelles fish

Moreover, it’s much safer and easier than diving: you don’t need to have particular experience and special training.

Tips for tourists

The necessary equipment:

• A mask with a snorkel length that will suit your swimming depth.
• Fins (optional). They allow to swim more smoothly and with less effort. But it’s possible to go without them.
• Diving suit (optional) dependent on your body’s water temperature tolerance.

If you decide to try snorkeling for the first time it’s better to follow a few useful tips:

• Explore the places where you are going to snorkel in advance. Weather conditions are also important: wind speed, air and water temperature.
• Feel free to ask a local person for advice if you have doubts about something.
• Avoid contact with fish and especially Coral.
• Don’t go snorkeling alone and look to make up a few hand gestures to communicate under water.
• Start in the shallows to get acclimatized before venturing deeper.

If you take all the tips into account, snorkeling will be safe and enjoyable.

The best place for safe snorkeling in Seychelles: Beau Vallon Beach

First and foremost, Beau Vallon beach is famous for its beauty and well-developed infrastructure. However, it has one more advantage, particularly important for snorkelers – is it’s safety.

Beau vallon beach

There are no strong underwater currents, sharp stones or sea urchins. Moreover, there are no poisonous fish or jellyfish on Beau Vallon beach thus allowing you to discover the world of the Indian Ocean without fear and enjoy its beauty.

The best place for snorkeling in Beau Vallon is situated in its northern part surrounded by granite boulders. You are sure to encounter butterflyfish, angelfish and groupers here.

The best time for snorkeling is from October to January when it’s summer in Seychelles. It’s not windy, there are almost no waves and waters are particularly calm and clear.

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